Monday, September 18, 2017

3 Benefits of Unplugging at Home

In the twenty-first century, we’re surrounded by technology on a twenty-four hour basis. From smartphones to smart televisions, there’s no escape from this digital universe that has been created. While there are many benefits to technology, it’s great to unplug from it too. Here are some of the benefits why it’s great to unplug at home:

Benefit 1: More Family Time
One of the the biggest benefits of unplugging from technology is that increases family time, in terms of communication. Here at Camp Tioga, we pride ourselves in having technology-free campers! This helps open up lines of communication and ceases digital interactions — why text it, when you can say it? It’s important to unplug at home, since it will make your children more prone to asking you a question in person (when possible) rather than text it.

Benefit 2: Less Eye Strain

Fact: when you use a smartphone for a long period of time, it will strain your eyes. When you decide to unplug, it will not only increase conversational moments at home, but it will also protect your eyes. When our campers attend a summer at Tioga, not only do they disconnect from technology, but they’re also able to use that time to more effectively, such as partaking in fun activities like sports, swimming, hiking and more!

Benefit 3: Increases Productivity

When your attention is consumed by a computer, television, or smartphone, you tend to lose track of time and motivation for productivity. When your child attends a summer at Camp Tioga, not only will they be able to have a fun, technology-free summer, but they’ll also have a drive to be active and productive! It’s a win-win situation, for sure — and leaves more room for fun to be had!  

At Camp Tioga, we work with our campers to improve and develop new skills, as well as help build their confidence and self-esteem. We are confident that Camp Tioga is the right fit for any child. If you would like to become apart of our family, call 516-938-0894 or visit our website to enroll today!

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