Thursday, April 28, 2016

How Children Improve Their Social Skills At Camp

Some children go to camp to improve a certain skill or master a new sport. Did you know that attending summer camp can also improve a child's social skills? It's true! Keep reading to learn more. 

New Friendships
Some children may feel ostracized at school because they do not interact with their classmates. At camp, there are no cliques. Instead, campers are encouraged to make friends and form new bonds. In the end, this will only help them have better social skills. 

Working Well With Others
In school, students are focused on their own performance and grades. While individual success is important, it does not teach them how to work well with others. At Camp Tioga, we offer plenty of team building activities that teach campers how to be team players.  

Social Intelligence
People from all over the world spend their summers at Camp Tioga. Children will be exposed to a melting pot of different cultures and personalities. They will develop social intelligence and learn how to interact with new people. 

Want your children to grow and develop this summer? If so, sign them up for sleepaway camp. At Camp Tioga, your child can continue to develop their social skills. For an in-depth look at what Camp Tioga has to offer, take a look at our website or call 516-938-0894 for more information. 

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Friday, April 22, 2016

Reasons Why Parents Enroll Their Children In Summer Camp

Each summer, parents enroll their children in summer camp. You may be wondering why this is so. Children aren't the only one who benefit from attending summer camp. Parents can reap the rewards, too! Keep reading to learn more. 

A Deeper Appreciation For Home and Family Life
The first session of camp is four weeks long. This may be the first time your child has stayed somewhere else for an extended period of time. They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, and this seems rings true! When your child returns home, they will have a new-found appreciation for your home and family life. After all, they will miss all of the comforts of home!

Unplugging From Technology
When your child attends Camp Tioga, they will have the opportunity to disconnect from technology for a long period of time. This can reduce their dependence on technology. Parents can enjoy family game night without the interruption of cell phones. 

Will you be sending your child to overnight camp this summer? If so, choose Camp Tioga. We are confident that Camp Tioga is the right fit for any child. This is due to our superior staff, picturesque grounds and the 80 activities we offer. Call 516-938-0894 to inquire about enrollment. 

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Reasons Why We Love Overnight Camp (And You Should Too!)​

It is no secret that we love camp. We think you should too! Find out what aspects keep us coming back year after year. 

​Freedom To Be Your True Self
Some children feel the pressure to conform or fit in at school. This is not the case at Camp Tioga! Our campers are free to be themselves. 

Lifelong Friendships
The bonds that you make at camp do not end at the end of the summer. Instead, the people you meet at camp may become your lifelong friends! After all, you may find people who have the same interests and hobbies as you. 

The Opportunity To Connect With Nature
At camp, cell phones are strictly prohibited. When technology is out of the equation, children can reconnect with nature. In addition, children who live in urban areas will have the unique opportunity to discover the beauty of nature. 

​Unforgettable Memories​
When you look back on your time at Camp Tioga, you will be filled with fond memories of kayaking, zip-lining, rock climbing, and so on. These memories live on forever in the hearts of Tiogans. 

Are you thinking of sending your son or daughter to sleepaway camp this summer? If so, choose Camp Tioga. We are confident that Camp Tioga is the right fit for any child. This is due to our superior staff, picturesque grounds and the 80 activities we offer. Call 516-938-0894 to inquire about enrollment. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Characteristics Of A Good Camp Counselor

Camp counselors have an important role to play. After all, they are role models for all of the campers. Are you thinking about becoming a counselor at Camp Tioga? If so, keep reading to learn about the characteristics of a good camp counselor.

Campers will not always master a task or skill on the first try. It is imperative for the counselor to acknowledge that this is normal and totally okay! Then, they should encourage them to try again. Their encouragement could make a world of difference in a child's life. Once they master that skill or task, they will feel confident. 

Attention To Detail
It is no secret that camp counselors have many hats to wear. They must learn to juggle multiple responsibilities all at once. That's why it is so crucial for counselors to have a keen eye and be detailed-oriented. They must make sure that each and every camper is healthy and safe. 

Enthusiastic & Energetic
At Camp Tioga, there are plenty of fun activities for children to participate in. It is up to the counselor to get them excited about these activities. An enthusiastic counselor can set the right tone and atmosphere. 

Being a camp counselor is a great experience! If you are interested in applying for a job at Camp Tioga, please email Our staff is composed of carefully selected sports instructors, coaches, health care professionals, graduates and students from the leading colleges and universities from 18 different countries and all over the United States. We look forward to hearing from you!

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