Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How To Beat The Heat at Camp

Summers in Pennsylvania can be downright sweltering. This summer is no exception to this rule. It is important to take steps to beat the heat while you are having fun in sun. Below are some tips to help you do exactly that.

Stay Hydrated
At camp, you might be running around (literally) throughout the day. However, it is important to stop for a break and get some water. If you are engaged in physical activity, it is recommended that you drink 2-4 glasses of fluids each hour. Forgetting to do so will leave you dehydrated.

Wear Sunscreen
We cannot stress this tip enough! Since campers will spend most of their time at Camp Tioga in the great outdoors, it is imperative that they wear sunscreen. Campers should reapply throughout the day. We provide sunscreen to campers. 

Dress for the Occasion
Remember to wear clothing that will help you stay comfortable throughout the day. For best results, wear clothes that are lightweight, light-colored and loose fitting. You'll be glad you did!

At Camp Tioga, your child's safety is our first priority. If you want to enroll your child in one of the safest sleepaway camps in the country, choose Camp Tioga. Call 516-938-0894 to enroll your child today. Please note that space and availability is extremely limited.

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