Friday, June 26, 2015

Disconnect To Reconnect At Camp

Technology is everywhere these days. Iphones and tablets can even be found in the hands of young children. However, kids need time to be kids. They need to have fun outdoors, play sports and not be afraid to get a little dirty in the process. Instead of frolicking outside, most children spend their time indoors, glued to their technology of choice. Summer sleepaway camp provides them with the perfect opportunity to disconnect with technology.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
It's time to step out of the virtual world into the real world. Camp will allow children to try new things they thought they'd experience. This allows them to get outside of their comfort zone.

Learn Life Skills

Camp is usually the first time in a young person's life when they spend time away from their parents. This encourages children to be more independent and confident. These are vital life skills that will last you a lifetime.

Real Life Friend Requests
At Camp Tioga, our campers make friends without having to send a friend request. Children from all different backgrounds can bond over their experiences at camp. 

Is your child constantly texting and tweeting? If so, enrolling them at Camp Tioga can help them have a break from technology. We have a no cell phone policy. Call (516) 938-0894 or email us at to learn more.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How To Beat The Heat at Camp

Summers in Pennsylvania can be downright sweltering. This summer is no exception to this rule. It is important to take steps to beat the heat while you are having fun in sun. Below are some tips to help you do exactly that.

Stay Hydrated
At camp, you might be running around (literally) throughout the day. However, it is important to stop for a break and get some water. If you are engaged in physical activity, it is recommended that you drink 2-4 glasses of fluids each hour. Forgetting to do so will leave you dehydrated.

Wear Sunscreen
We cannot stress this tip enough! Since campers will spend most of their time at Camp Tioga in the great outdoors, it is imperative that they wear sunscreen. Campers should reapply throughout the day. We provide sunscreen to campers. 

Dress for the Occasion
Remember to wear clothing that will help you stay comfortable throughout the day. For best results, wear clothes that are lightweight, light-colored and loose fitting. You'll be glad you did!

At Camp Tioga, your child's safety is our first priority. If you want to enroll your child in one of the safest sleepaway camps in the country, choose Camp Tioga. Call 516-938-0894 to enroll your child today. Please note that space and availability is extremely limited.

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Friday, June 12, 2015

​Reasons Why Employers Are Inclined To Hire Camp Counselors

Camp isn't only a great experience for the happy campers. It is also a great experience for the counselors as well. Best of all, counselors reap the benefits of camp after the summer has ended. This is due to the fact that employers are more inclined to hire camp counselors. Below are some of the reasons why being a counselor prepares you for the workforce.

Camp Counselors Are:
  • Effective communicators
  • Natural born learners 
  • Resilient
  • Problem-solvers
  • Creative
  • Detail-oriented
  • Leaders
  • Team players
  • Hard workers
A good camp counselor will possess all of the qualities and attributes listed above. Employers look for all of these skills in potential candidates. As employers sift through a pile of resumes, being a former camp counselor can set you apart from the others. It is no wonder why camp counselors have a leg up in their search for job opportunities.

Being a counselor at Camp Tioga is an incredibly rewarding job! It will challenge your ability to deal with children in groups and as individuals in all different types of situations. If you are interested in applying to be a counselor, please email

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Thursday, June 4, 2015

​How Camp Prepares Children for Adulthood

There is no denying that summer sleepaway camp is a lot of fun. In the process of having the best summer ever, campers learn life lessons along the way. Below are some of the ways camp prepares a young person for adulthood.

At school, most children are only focused on their own success. This is not the case at Camp Tioga. Children will learn quickly that if they work together, they can reach a common goal. Learning to collaborate and work with others is an essential skill needed for growing up.

Our campers know that it is okay to make mistakes at camp. After all, learning from mistakes makes children more resilient. When they fall down, they learn how to get right back up and try again. It is important to develop a thick skin as you get older.

Sleepaway camp is usually the first time when a young person is on their own. They must learn how to handle this new found independence. In the end, it helps them build character.

If you want your child to be well-equipped with life skills, the solution is clear. Enroll your child at Camp Tioga! Please be aware that space is extremely limited and some age groups have been closed out. Call 516-938-0894 today to reserve your spot. 

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Fitness Program at Camp Tioga

Are you tired of being cooped up in a classroom all day long? Summer camp is the perfect place to get your fair share of physical activity. Here at Camp Tioga, we offer a fitness program that is tailored to accommodate the needs of any camper. We accomplish this with the best staff, facilities, equipment and programming available. Below are some of the goals of our comprehensive fitness program.

  • We pay attention to the needs of each individual child.
  • One-on-one coaching and counseling is provided.
  • Children learn how to set and accomplish goals.
  • We encourage children to try different sports.
  • Our campers improve their physical fitness levels, physical condition and energy levels.
  • In return, campers become more aware of health and nutrition choices.
  • Camper usually report a increased feeling of confidence and independence. 

Our fitness program can accommodate the most gifted athletes to those simply looking to get in shape and recharge their energy levels. Looking for a sleepaway camp with a credible fitness program? The solution is simple: choose Camp Tioga. Our campers grow and mature throughout the summer. Call 516-938-0894 today to learn more.