Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Help Your Kids Stay Healthy At Camp

Summer camp is a time for your kids to grow friendships, build confidence, and make lifelong memories. It’s not the place for sick days, sunburns, or a bad case of the blues. They may be far away from home, but there are a few ways you can make sure your child stays healthy and happy all summer long, even when you’re not around.

Be honest with the camp staff. The more detailed you are about your child and their needs, the better the camp staff will be able to cater to them. Even minor allergies and behavioral conditions should be communicated.

Pack properly. Your kids will have a much better time at camp if they’re thoroughly prepared for rain or shine. Pack clothing with thin material and light colors, a rain jacket, sandals, and don’t forget about their sneakers! Studies show that strained or sprained ankles are the most common camp injuries, which could easily be avoided by wearing a good shoe or sneaker.

Teach them about their health. The most common illnesses at camps are the common cold, a sore throat, and the flu. Help your children with their hygiene routine, and they will have less of a chance of getting sick. For instance, they should be washing their hands frequently, coughing into their elbows, and avoiding sharing any food, drinks, or utensils with others.

Relax. It’s common for you to be nervous, but you shouldn’t run every possible, worst-case-camp-injury scenario through your head. Rest assured that your child is in good hands — you will constantly stay notified and updated on their safety and fun summer camp experiences.

For a parent, tossing around the idea of sending your child to sleepaway camp can be daunting, but we are confident that Camp Tioga is the right fit for any child. This is due to our superior staff, picturesque grounds, and the 80 activities we offer. If you would like to become apart of our family, call 516-938-0894 or visit our website to enroll today!

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