Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Day In The Life Of A Camp Counselor

Being a camp counselor can be one of the hardest, yet most rewarding experiences of your life. While your main goal is to make sure that every happy camper has the best summer ever, counselors also end up making unforgettable memories and bonds that last a lifetime. Here’s a look into a busy counselor’s day at Camp Tioga:

Daily Activities
Activities vary day by day, which makes the days, weeks, and summer go by that much quicker at Camp Tioga! After the counselors help the kids clean their bunk for inspection in the morning, it’s time for the fun to begin. Counselors will move around with the campers and help them get involved in each activity. Even during rest hour, if someone would rather play an activity then wind-down and relax, they’re there! Campers versus counselors basketball game anyone?

Meal time is a chance for everyone to relax and enjoy a great selection of food. Even the pickiest eaters find themselves diving back in for seconds  - no one at our dining hall leaves hungry! This time can get a bit chaotic, so the counselors will sit at the tables with the campers and make sure the food is going in their stomachs and is not thrown across the room!

Evening Activities
After dinner there will be an evening activity that involves special events, games, prizes, and much more! Compared to the other daily activities, this will give everyone the chance to be with other campers and counselors that they haven’t worked with throughout the day. Eventually, the counselors will head the campers to canteen for a snack, get ready for bed, and start the fun all over again the next day!

This powerful role gives you confidence and teaches you how to be grounded, kind, and responsible. So, on top of all the amazing memories you will make, holding this position can help prepare you and provide you with future job opportunities outside of camp. If you’re looking to become a camp counselor this summer, check out our website for more information.

Camp Tioga is much more than just a camp. Campers and counselors alike are apart of the Camp Tioga family. We are confident that Camp Tioga is the right fit for any child. This is due to our superior staff, picturesque grounds and the 80 activities we offer. If you would like to become apart of our family, call 516-938-0894 or visit our website to enroll today! 

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