Thursday, July 28, 2016

Life Lessons Learned At Sleepaway Camp

We all know that sleepaway camp is fun and games, but did you know that it provides real long-lasting benefits to the children that attend it? If you ask anyone who attended camp no matter how long ago it was, they’ll be able to recall a ton of memories in which their life was enriched from it. Here are some life lessons that your child can be sure to take away from camp:

Build Relationships:
Friendships made at sleep away camp are some of the best friendships ever. Camp teaches your kids  to meet people in a unique setting in which they really get to know one another. Your children are exposed to people from all walks of life, that they would normally not have any contact with and many times close friendships form out of that experience.
Gain Confidence:
Has your child ever tried a new sport or activity, and realized they were not only good at it but enjoyed it too? That happens at camp every single day. Campers are encouraged to try new things, thus filling them with a sense of confidence and belief in themselves. It’s amazing to see the transformation in a child’s self-esteem after a summer at sleepaway camp. That willingness to try new things will only benefit them in life later on.
Embrace Diversity:
Camp is full of people who are different from your child--and that’s a great thing! Being introduced to a diverse array of people is a great life experience for them. Counselors come from across the pond, campers come from small towns of 100 and big cities of millions, and that’s the beauty of it. Your children will meet kids from other religious backgrounds and varying socioeconomic backgrounds where stories will be shared, new foods will be introduced and they will learn how all people deserve respect, kindness, acceptance and sensitivity.

Are you thinking of sending your son or daughter to sleepaway camp next year? Let them experience all of the greatness that Camp Tioga has to offer. Our superior staff, picturesque grounds and the array of activities we offer will be the perfect fit for any child.  To learn more about Camp Tioga , visit our website or call 570.756.2660 for more information.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tips for Surviving Your Child’s First Summer at Sleepaway Camp

While we know that children can often experience homesickness or anxiety when having to be away from their families for an extended amount of time, it’s not uncommon for parents to also get a touch of the separation blues as well. To avoid being down and out when your child leaves for summer camp, here are some tips for surviving their first stint at sleepaway camp:

Help them choose the camp: While it is important to have your child’s input on the decision making process, don’t be afraid to put in your two cents as well. Helping decide on where they will spending their summer will help ease your fears and make you feel more comfortable with them being so far away from home.

Don’t sweat the small stuff: Once they are there, trust and believe that they are in good, nurturing hands. If you notice that they get a little more sun than usual or have lost some weight, don’t get upset! Summer camp is a time for kids to cut loose and break away from the stresses of daily life. They will be running around outside for up to 8 hours a day, and enjoying fun outdoor activities. Things will return back to normal once they return home, so let them enjoy this time and try not to stress!

Ask the right questions: To help ease any apprehension you might have, communicate with your child any concerns you may be having. Ask them if they are feeling lonely or nervous, and talk through it together. You’ll feel much more confident with their decision to go away if you have these open discussions. Don’t be afraid to turn to the counselors for any additional questions or issues to help you get a better understanding of all that is going on.

Sleepaway camp isn’t just a great way for a kid to take some safe space and gain independence, it’s that for a parent as well. And just remember, you will survive.

At Camp Tioga, all parents can ease their fears because their children are in good hands. We create the most nurturing, comforting environment possible and will do everything in their power to make each camper and their parents  feel confident in their decision to come here. To learn more about all that Camp Tioga has to offer, give us a call at 570.756.2660 or visit us on Facebook.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Ways To Help Your Child Beat Homesickness

For any parent sending their child to camp for the first time knows that homesickness is a very real possibility. Even though your child is about to embark on a summer full of fun, friendship and adventure, it’s normal for them to experience a bit of being-away-from-home blues! To help them overcome their homesickness and get the most out of their camp experience, here are some ways to help them shake the sadness!

Practice makes perfect: Having your child spend some nights away from home at a relative or friend’s house is a great way to get them slowly used to being apart from their families. The more your child experiences nights away, the smoother the transition to camp should be.

Explain that homesickness is normal: It’s very common for every camper to miss home sometimes and explaining that to your child may help ease their fears to let them know they are not alone. You can discuss coping strategies with them prior to their departure for camp, such as writing letters home or talking to a counselor.

Express your confidence in them: Praising your child for making the decision to go to camp is helpful in easing their anxiety from being away from home. Express your confidence in their resilience and admiration in going away. You can also go over all of the great things that they will experience when going to camp, like making lots of new friends who will act as a support. They'll be so busy taking part in activities with their friends that they wont even have time to feel sad.

Don’t show your anxiety: Sure, as parents there will always be some concerns when your child is going to be away from your for any amount of time. It’s normal for you to feel apprehensive as well, but make sure not to express your anxiety in front of them. The more confident and comfortable you are, the more your child will feel at ease with their decision to go.

Many children experience homesickness, and our caring staff has been trained to help them deal with homesickness. At Camp Tioga, we create the most nurturing, comforting environment possible, and with all of our unbelievable activities, no child stays homesick for long. Our camp counselors will do everything in their power to make each camper feel at home. To learn more about all that Camp Tioga has to offer, give us a call at 570.756.2660 or visit us on Facebook.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

4 Tips To Help Kids Unplug

In a world run by ever-evolving technology, kids can miss out on experiences and real life connections to others. The children of today spend an average of nine hours per day using technology, according to CNN. Those numbers are alarming and can lead to lack of social skills and health problems down the road. Removing yourself from technology, even for a little, is so crucial for the mind and body. Camp is a place where children can put down their smartphones and learn to connect to others while enjoying nature.

Help your children unplug from technology when they’re not at camp, with these four tips:

  1. Encourage hobbies: Encouraging your child to take up things like sports, art, dance or music are all great ways to help lessen their screen time.  They’ll keep busy going to practice or getting ready for a big game that they won’t have as much time to text.
  2. Set Limits: Limiting the amount of time your child can spend on their electronic devices is a great way to make sure they also get to experience the world going on around them. Some parents like to ban cell phones at the dinner table or during family conversations, which is helpful in getting your child into an “unplugging habit.”
  3. Spend Quality Time Together: A lot of technology use comes from your child being bored and having nothing to do. Spending quality time with them- such as going for a walk, to the movies or just having a talk over ice cream- helps steer them from the screen.
  4. Motivate Them To Exercise: It’s really important to get your kids moving! And making it a family affair is even better. Arrange outdoor activities like swimming or hiking, or even join a gym together! You’ll both reap the health benefits and have some time away from your phone!

At camp, children can unplug from the cyber-world and focus solely on building real life relationships, an important skill that will help them throughout life.  Are you searching for a place to help your child unplug next summer? Look no further than Camp Tioga! We are confident that by the end of camp, your child will have new friends and memories that will last them a lifetime. To learn more about all that our camp has to offer, visit us on Facebook or call 570-756-2660 to schedule a tour of the camp.