Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How To Be A Good Camp Counselor

Nothing beats being a summer camp counselor. You learn how to manage and motivate a team, become one with the great outdoors, and develop lifelong friendships. But, it’s not all fun and games — you have a serious responsibility on your hands. A camp counselor is one of the main components of camp that can either make or break a kid’s experience. Here are four tips to help you become an exemplary camp counselor.

How To Be A Good Camp Counselor | Sleepaway Camp | PA | Camp Tioga |

Get to know all of your campers.
Each one of your campers is accustomed to being seen as an individual, not a member of a group, cabin, or bunk. Take the time to get to know some of their interests and talents, and create a “List of Firsts” chart for each child. This chart not only helps you keep track of the new and exciting things your campers are doing, but it also gives them individual recognition in a group setting.

Get into a routine.
Routines provide security for campers because they’re predictable. They’re also good for counselors because they allow you to plan ahead and put consistency and self-discipline into your interactions with your group. Try using the “five-minute warning” routine before the end of every meal, game, and activity. This routine will help children master the difficult task of transitioning from activity to activity.

Keep your directions simple and sweet.
You’ll end up getting little to no results if you give your campers too many things to do at once. For the younger campers that are easily distracted, follow this simple process:
 • Tell the camper to complete one task.
 • Ask the camper to repeat back what you just said.
 • Instruct the camper to tell you when they have finished.
 • Praise them for getting it done.

Get rid of the word ‘no.’
When you tell a camper, “don’t run,” what his brain really hears is “run as fast as you can!” Children today are visual learners, which means they picture in their minds what behavior we’re suggesting when we speak. If you want to be more effective with your campers, try rephrasing your words.

Did you find these tips helpful? We would love to hear your feedback! Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter or visit our website to learn more about Camp Tioga!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Signs You Were A Summer Camp Kid

There’s a reason more than 14 million children and adults attend camp every year - camps are the epitome of summer. Whether you’re going to an adult camp for one weekend or a kids summer camp for eight weeks, you can create the most amazing memories.

Signs You Were A Summer Camp Kid | Sleepaway Camp | PA | Camp Tioga

Here are a few signs that you used to be a summer camp kid:

1. You had a completely different identity with your camp friends.

2. Attending sleepaway camp also meant dealing with long-distance relationships. Upside? You rarely get homesick.

3. You still find pieces of clothing with your initials marked on the tags.

4. Color wars (which are equivalent to the olympics for camp kids) were the highlight of your summer. You really honed your team-building skills during this time.

5. You actually enjoyed rainy-day activities. Playing card games and watching movies all day with your bunk? Yes, please!

6. You owned a drawer-filled with tie-dyed items. Bonus points to you and your DIY-skills if your shirt was also cropped or fringed.

7. You still wear your camp gear to bed (good thing you bought that oversized sweatshirt).

8. Even if you haven’t seen them in years, you have an irrational love for your camp friends. There’s nothing like bonding over mosquito bites and cabin chores.

Want your children to share the wonderful experience that you had as a summer camp kid? Let Camp Tioga help! Set in the beautiful Endless Mountain region of Pennsylvania, we’re here to provide your child with a summer full of activities, fun, and friendship. For more information on all that Camp Tioga has to offer, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, or give us a call at 516-938-0894.